The time has come
A change in mindsets
Along with selfish desires, they must leave
No more polarizing
All must come into balance
Respect, honor, kindness
Like a basket full of sweet fruit
Falls upon the population
As they eat, hearts are changed
Mindsets and perceptions change
The lion host gives a gentle roar
Calling those to come
A table is set for a feast
Truth and Justice are seated
Love and mercy Co-host
Drink of the eternal wine
Eat the bread that heals
Taste and see
The Lord is extremely good
Be grateful for all you have
Gold and Silver are honored guests
They bring balance and gifts
Gems floating like twinkling lights
Enter into the body, entraining
Feeding the spirit and giving insights
A firewall surrounds the people
One that can sift and burn dross
It also adds protection
For clarity of mind and purity of heart
To discern and make wise decisions
The great host stands
The Lord of all hosts
In his breath flows a frequency of new life and light
Entraining and entangling with each guest
Giving new life, a new outlook, and a new day